Welcome to Ahwatukee Foothills
Chamber of Commerce

Win Tickets
You can win
**ASU February Baseball Tickets** 2 to 4 tickets
**Chick fil A** 2 Desserts
**Zzeeks Pizza** Gift Card
**Nello's Italian Kitchen** Gift Card
Click Below and Enter for our Ahwatukee Christmas Give-A-Way
Engage, Connect, Inspire and Lead
Upcoming Events
Welcome New Members
I=Identify D=Define E=Empower A=Ahwatukee
Join us at Native Grill and Wings for the
IDEA Factory.
Join us for IDEA Factory, Lunch & Learn, some great discussion, process evaluation, and mentoring. The Ahwatukee Chamber and BeLocal welcome you to NATIVE. Join us for IDEA Factory and share and shape ideas and concepts into ACTION . Stop by and meet Local Business Leaders in Ahwatukee and connect with Foothills Living & BeLocal magazine and meet up with some great friends and make some new ones! If you would like to donate, please bring a door prize, feel free to do so. We meet the 4th Monday of each month to discuss ideas and strategies that develop small business in Ahwatukee.